Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Me mum...

After posting the pictures of the five generations of Gillett men, old pal Will Finn urged me to post one of my mother, Gloria Payne Gillett as well.

This photograph of Ma is of her at fifty... the same age I am now! Both a very, very surreal and sobering concept.

Ma passed away when she was just fifty-five (ditto on the surreal and sobering thing)... over twenty-two years ago now. As far as I know, this is the first time a picture of her has been put on the ultra-futuristic internet! She died long before such science-fiction became common everyday fact. Ma was addicted to the telephone and the C.B. radio. I would well imagine that if she were alive today, she'd have a couple of email addresses, her own weblog or two, be on MySpace and Facebook both, and would IM constantly... and a BlackBerry to boot. She'd be a near eighty year old techno-nerd!

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