A few weeks ago, I went to a terrific, terrific Civil War Reenacting event at one of the lighthouses on the shores of Lake Huron... specifically Pt. Aux Barques, near Port Hope, Michigan. I will try to post more pictures as time goes by... along with the Upstate New York event... but wanted quickly to post these few.
The "hat club" grows! These "smoking caps" (or "lounging caps") are quite the fashion statement for the elegant and discerning Civil War soldier. Photographic evidence proves of their existence at that time... and now even more so! Usually when our kepis, forage caps or slouch hates are doffed once back in camp, out comes the smoking caps (if nothing else, then to try to tame a tangled mess of sweating battle-head)... although on Sunday, several of us (posed here) fought the Confederates so topped. We won! Coincidence? I think not.
You will notice that some of Yankees here look like they also have on their red jammies. Those are the dapper Zouaves. For more info (so I don't have to type more than I have to) check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zouave
While technically, their fezzes are not smoking caps, we all were in agreement that because of their bravery - and individuality - in their choice of uniform styles, they should be de facto members of the hat club. The Confederates... ever the rebels... had but only one of their large number who had the sense and decency to own/wear a smoking cap. I invited him to join us for the picture... but couldn't be found when the time came. Later I found him and so I include him here separately. But know he is our brother. The hat club transcends the Mason-Dixon line.
The bottom picture is just some of us hamming it for the camera... Civil War reenactors tend to be far from camera shy - if not out and out hams. And we do so have a good time.
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