Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Camping is usual in tents...

...just to show everyone that I can do "serious" art... not just "foolishness"... like cartooning (to quote a teacher). As a Civil War Reenactor - a chaplain - I carry a digital camera, not a Springfield Musket. I like to think everyone around me is a little safer. This is of an Civil War Encampment at the Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center in Fremont, OH last month. I'll post a few now and again.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Admit it, you don't know what you want, do you?

Again, and I hate to admit this, but I've heard this one too. I hate going to the doctor as much - if not more - than I hate shopping. Maybe if the doctor's waiting room had a food court...

And the meeting of the "Procrastinators' Club" has been postponed to a later date...

You know, if I could see into the future, I wouldn't need to TiVo anything.

Shopping Maul

I hate to go to the mall. And I hate shopping. I get all anxious and irritated. It must be something like angoraphobia (fear of sweaters?). But I do just fine in airports. So my teenage daughters help by announcing flight departures and arrivals. While it makes me feel comfortable, I think it kind of creeps everybody else out. And I am okay with that. In fact, I enjoy shopping now. Sometimes I take my belt and shoes off and set them on the counter at Macy's and pretend I am going through Security. Oddly enough, Security usually comes.

Looking for Mr. Goodwrench

Again, much inspired by real life. How many of us have found ourselves trying to prove to the mechanic we aren't making it all up!? What do they think; we have some sort of automotive Munchausen Syndrome?

"Sit right back and you'll hear a tale..."

At the risk of sounding like an old geezer, but back in my day, we didn't have TV with non-stop infomercials on nearly every channel. Four channels (including PBS)... all with the common decency to stop broadcasting at the end of the day once they ran out of stuff. And we certainly didn't pay for it! Nor would we have sat and watched it.

What are you going to do with that baseball bat?

Inspired by my dog's mysteriously broken leg. The cats were all indoors, the dog outside, but I still have my suspicions. I am not so sure it wasn't because the dog couldn't repay a gambling debt. The cats cut no slack...

Special orders DO upset us...

I was once asked this. Honest. It must have really thrown them.

Another time while ordering at a sit-down joint, I was asked if I wanted lettuce, tomato and onion with my burger. I said, no - if I had wanted a salad, I would've ordered a salad. They didn't think I was very funny at all.

Sometimes, I ask them to hold the bun as well. Sue me; I like my hamburgers plain. Real plain. I thought I would keep it simple and so once just told the waitress to bring me my burger without anything on. I was invited to make my order a carry-out.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Microwave safe

Before I drew this, I tried to see if it was somewhat physically possible. Of course, that was when one of my then young grade school-aged daughters happened to come into the kitchen for something! I didn't even bother trying to explain.

Do you mind?

...I actually said this to someone at the "Y" one morning. For the life of me, I can't imagine why they were running with such cheerful intensity. But it was annoying.

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail

What was he thinking!?

Sweet Revenge of the Nerds

I've intentionaly missed all of my high school class reunions... but I do find myself wondering how those poor tormented geeky souls from the "TechElec Society" and the "Matheletes team" have fared over the years... and how their tormentors, the jocks, have turned out as well. Hopefully, it is a case of the "bottom rail on top dis time!"

This illustration accompanied an feature article on how the techno-geeks have seemingly de-throned the jocks as the campus' BMOC. It's nice to think that justice would be that swift, isn't it?

The All-You-Can-Eat Boo-Fay versus The Health Food Store

Admittedly, I tend to identify more with the guy on the left. While eating lunch, I oft times wonder what we are having for dinner... and over dinner, ponder breakfast...