...just to show everyone that I can do "serious" art... not just "foolishness"... like cartooning (to quote a teacher). As a Civil War Reenactor - a chaplain - I carry a digital camera, not a Springfield Musket. I like to think everyone around me is a little safer. This is of an Civil War Encampment at the Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center in Fremont, OH last month. I'll post a few now and again.
Oh, you were in Fremont and didn't think your erstwhile cartoon nemesis and occasional lunch-bet loser was 30 minutes up Route 6? They don't have PHONES in ersatz1863?
Or was it payback for the two times I forgot I was supposed to meet you for lunch?
Darn Old Lee, no - nothing so vindictive as revenge. It was a weekend away with my girlfriend-for-life... our twenty-eighth wedding anniversary and our thirtieth of our first date. We even slept in a tent! Usually we are "Ramada Rangers" aka "Motel Militia"!
Next year... you will have to travel a few miles and 145 years in time!
You posting anything ol' buddy?
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