Friday, February 15, 2008

Will Finn's stuff

Here is a sketch done by Will Finn whilst we were students at AiP. Will's quick sketches were better than something I spent hours on. And it probably is true today as well. If not truer.

Will might need to clarify/correct, but these were characters in a wonderful concept of his about a "pan-galactic cabby". If memory serves (and it doesn't always)... from left to right; the cabby, an alien (I remember something about his planet being too warm to walk in bare feet?), Toulouse Lautrec (or it looks like him anyway) and a "hoor" who happened to be in the cab when it was propelled into space.

A terribly creative booger, Will is a damn fine cartoonist. I'd give my right arm to draw like him. But then, that wouldn't really work out so well now would it?

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