Good buddy and adopted (adapted?) brother, Ron is pictured here... on right... with his big brother, Don. I love this picture (glommed from Ron's blog -rondeere.blogspot.com). Ron and Don have an enviable close relationship. I can identify with there relationship about as much as I can with an astronaut's walk on the surface of the moon or a movie star receiving an Oscar. I've heard about such things. Even have seen pictures. But that is about as close as I've ever gotten.
Well. I lie.
I've adopted (adapted?) guys like Ron here and a veritable boatload of others as my brother - including my own Unca Neil - so, truth be told, I've made out like a bandit in the category of close brothers...
My dear brother Mike. Thanks for your most kind comments about my brother and you as my broth also. I'm so very blessed to have both of you in my life! Thanks for sharing the picture on your blog!
How 'bout trying again at some hot wings next week?
i would like to know how to get in touch with ron windmiller as I was a nieghbor of his in Gary when we were kids, his family lived right behind us in Brunswick. We lived on dallas streetand they lived over on the next street. I was looking at Dans den and saw some comments between him and dave and recognised his name. i dont know if he remembers the Aaron Family , I am Doreen, i have three older brothers, Dennis,Mark and Duane.When every one moved away, my parentd were die hards for a long time, but they finally sold the old house we all grew up in. Any way if you receive this please contact me at dustbunniesanme@yahoo.com or call me at 1-660-323-3045. I dont know if you remeber my family or not but would be great to compare notes sometime about the old nieghborhood. Thanks and hope to hear from you sometime, doreen Aaron Oh and pleases forgive me, my typing sucks smiling
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