Mike Malle, along with Will Finn, Ray McAnallen and myself - cartoonists all - happily gravitated towards one another whilst students at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, back in the later half of the 1970s. As mentioned in a previous blog, we caricatured for money. And attention. Mostly for the attention. But the money didn't hurt. Not a bit. No sir.
Malle did these great illustrations. First, of the four of us (top)... beginning at upper left corner and heading clock-wise; Malle, McAnallen, Gillett and Finn. And, in the bottom pic, I am on the left, Will the right.
Malle, sometime after graduation, returned like a roe-filled salmon to its birthplace, and has been an instructor now at AiP for quite a few years. And is also quite an illustrator of some renown.
I am still trying to find some sample of McAnallen's cartoons from the day. Ray - help me out here, dude.
What a fun brotherhood! I have to say...I'm a bit jealous...but am very happy you've got them just the same.
Like musicians getting together for a jam session, it was always a large-charge to sit around and draw and chortle. Today we call it synergy.
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